Pillar 2
Gender Justice
Globally, regionally and locally, women face various challenges which subject them to gender based violence, hinder their active participation in politics, which include; violence, corruption, intimidation, hatred and character assassination. A substantial number of women are unable to handle the pressures that result from these challenges. CIDE works to promote efforts to change gender and social norms to address inequalities in power and privilege between genders, in order to free all people from harmful and destructive norms. We promote innovations that challenges unequal power and gender relations and discriminatory norms and practices, which are typically biased in favour of men. CIDE also seeks to shift constraining gender norms that underpin the persistence of inequalities in cross-cutting sectors mainly women in politics and the fight against gender based violence.
As CIDE, we are working to promote and advance innovative ways in which the tide can be shifted and women begin to take leadership and decision making roles in politics.
Women’s economic empowerment and political empowerment, and prevention of sexual and gender-based violence are critical to achieving various levels of development in society. Inclusivity, in its very definition, means to be open to everyone and not limited to certain people. As CIDE, we are working to promote innovative ways and intersectional lens, to promote gender equality in different areas that affect development in the country and the region at large.